Nota de contenido: |
Hedgehogs: Erinaceidae
Elephant shrews: Macroscelididae
Otter shrews: Potamogalidae
Hares and rabbits: Leporidae
Squirrels: Sciuridae
Spring hare: Pedetidae
Large rats: Cricetidae
Porcupines: Hystricidae
Pangolins: Manidae
Pottos and Galagos: Lorisidae, Galagidae
Monkeys: Cercopithecidae
Mangabeys, Guenons and Patas: Cercopithecidae
Colobus Monkeys: Colobidae
Chimpanzee, Gorilla: Pongidae
Jackals, Foxes, Wild Dog: Canidae
Zorillas, Ratel and Otters: Mustelidae
Civet, Genets and Mongooses: Viverridae
Hyaenas and Aardwolf: Hyaenidae
Cats, Lion, Leopard and Cheetah: Felidae
Manatee: Trichechidae
Aardvark: Orycteropodidae
Hyrax or Dassies: Procaviidae
Elephants: Elephantidae
Ass and Zebra: Equidae
Rhinoceroses: Rhinocerotidae
Hippopotamus: Hippopotamidae
Wild pigs: Suidae
Chevrotain: Tragulidae
Giraffe and Okapi : Giraffidae
Antelopes, Gazelles, Buffalo and Allies: Bovidae
Eland, Kudu, Nyala and Bushbuck: Tragelaphinae
Addax, Oryx, Roan and Sable Antelopes: Hippotraginae
Waterbuck, Kob, Lechwe and Reedbuck: Reduncinae
Topi and allies, Hartebeest and Wildebeest: Alcelaphinae
Gazelle, Impala and allies: Antilopinae
Duikers: Cephalophinae
Pygmy antelopes, oribi, klipspringer, grysbok: Neotraginae
Beira, Dik-Dik: Madoquinae
Ibex and Sheep: Caprinae
Buffalo: Bovinae |