Nota de contenido: |
-1 Growth of Human Tooth Germs / Butler P. M.
-2 Tissue Interactions in Developing Tooth Germs / Kollar, E.J; Baird, G.R.
-3 Early Dental Development in Mice / Miller, W. A.
-4 The Role of Mesenchyme in Tooth Development / Tonge, C. H.
-5 Relative Rates of Weight Gain in Human Deciduous Tecth / Stack, M. V.
- 6 An Introduction to the Phylogeny of Calcified Tissues / Poole, D. F. G.
- 7 Comparative Histology of Mammalian Teeth / Boyde, A,
- 8 Basic Crown Patterns and Cusp Homologies of Mammalian Teeth / Hershkovitz, P
- 9 The Trinity Therians: Their Bearing on Evolution in Marsupials and Other Therians / Turnbull
- 10 Mesozoic Evolution of Mammals with Tribosphenic Dentitions / Clemens, W. A.
- 11 Review of the Phyletic Interrelationships of Oligocene and Miocene Catarrhini / Simons, E. L.
- 12 A Systematic Description of Dental Roots / Kovacs, I.
- 13 Penetrance and Expressivity of Dental Traits / Dahiberg, A. A.
- 14 The Inheritance of Tooth Size in British Families / Goose, D. H.
- 15 The Dentition of the Afghan Tajik / Beynon, A. D. G.
- 16 Some facts on the Human Dentition during the Mehalithic Era / Brabant, H.
- 17 A Cinefluorographic Study of Feeding in the American Opossum, Didelphis marsupialis / Hiiemae, K; Crompton, A. W. |