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Signifying Animals / Roy Willis / London : Unwin Hyman (1990)
Título : Signifying Animals : Human meaning in the natural world Tipo de documento: Libro Autores: Roy Willis, Editor científico Editorial: London : Unwin Hyman Fecha de publicación: 1990 Número de páginas: 258 p. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-0-04-445014-6 Nota general: ed. Willis, Roy
Idioma : Inglés Palabras clave: Animales Hombre Folklore Símbolos Clasificación: 398.2 Resumen: 20120124000230 Tema Principal / Disciplina : Antropología Link: https://www.bfa.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar/id/502 Reserva
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Ubicación Código de barras Ubicación Tipo de medio Sección Estado Sala Tomo Colección Facultad 21521 398.2 W4 Libro Fondo general 0 Disponible Who Needs the Past? / Robert Layton / London : Unwin Hyman (1989)
Título : Who Needs the Past? : Indigenous values and archaeology Tipo de documento: Libro Autores: Robert Layton, Editor científico Editorial: London : Unwin Hyman Fecha de publicación: 1989 Colección: One World Archaeology ; 5 Número de páginas: xxii, 215 p. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-0-04-445020-7 Nota general: edited by Layton, Robert
Idioma : Inglés Palabras clave: Historia Antropología cultural Tradición oral Clasificación: 930.1 Resumen: 20120124002029 Tema Principal / Disciplina : Arqueología Link: https://www.bfa.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar/id/2283 Reserva
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Ubicación Código de barras Ubicación Tipo de medio Sección Estado Sala Tomo Colección Facultad 20727 571 L19 Libro Fondo general 0 Disponible Facultad 24515 571 L19 Libro Fondo general 0 Disponible The Excluded Past / Peter Stone ; Robert Mackenzie / London : Unwin Hyman (1990)
Título : The Excluded Past : Archaeology in Education Tipo de documento: Libro Autores: Peter Stone, Editor científico ; Robert Mackenzie, Editor científico Mención de edición: 1st ed Editorial: London : Unwin Hyman Fecha de publicación: 1990 Colección: One world archaeology ; 17 Número de páginas: xxxiv, 314 p. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-0-04-445019-1 Nota general: ed. Stone, Peter
ed. Mackenzie, Robert
Idioma : Inglés Palabras clave: Educación Grupos oprimidos Clasificación: 902:37 Resumen: 20120124002035 Nota de contenido: Teaching about the past: recent developments in England
The future of the excluded past
The study of our universal cultural heritage through the Unesco Associated Schools Project / Elizabeth Khawajike
Archaeology in Indian universities / Dilip K. Chakrabarti
Reasons for the relative absence of fieldwork
Archaeolgy in Nigerian education. Nwanna Nzewunwa
Archaeology and education in Kenya. Simiyu Wandibba
Education and the political manipulation of history in Venezuela / Iraida Vargas Arenas / Mario Sanoja Obediente
The content of what is taught
"Informal" education
A brief review of the teaching of history in Venezuela
Why the past is important
How the past is processed
The changed status of educators
The development of basic schools
Writing out Indian societies
Teaching musuems and history for the masses
Conclusions:future perspectives for the teaching of history
The right to a past: Namibian history and the struggle for national liberation. Manfred O. Hinz
The educational context
The Namibia Project
To be born a nation: the right to a past from the right to a past to the necessity of double decolonialization
The principle of double decolonialization
From double decolonialization to creative acquirement
Still civilizing? Aborigines in Australian education / Alex Barlow
Education as colonization
Aborigines and Islanders: an educated people
Education and Islanders: an educated people
Education and political domination
Education and cultural oppression
Education and economic exploitation
The affirmation of indigenous values in a colonial education system / Lilla Watson
Aboriginal people in Western educational institutions
The missing past in South African history / Stephen Gawe & Francis Meli
The colonial background
Apartheid today
The excluded past
Liberation through the past and future
The teaching of the past of the Native peoples of North America in US schools / Shirley Blancke & Cjigkitoonuppa John Peters Slow Turtle
The organization of Indian education in the USA
Indian education and federal legislation
Native studies in public schools
Native studies curricular materials
Curriculum development by and for Native peoples
Museums as teachers of Native history
Whispers from the forest: the excluded past of the Aché Indians of Paraguay / Luke Holland
The feudal estate
Indian exclusion from contemporary Paraguayan society
The Aché
Vikings in Paraguay
Paraguay and the "Indian problem"
The Aché before contact
The New Tribes Mission: an approach to cultural ethnocide An official US view of relations between Indians and the state in Paraguay
A bridge to the excluded past
The earth is our history book: archaeology in Mozambique / Paul Sinclair
Post-independence shifts of emphasis about the past
A more relevant past
Culture houses in Papua New Guinea / John Blacking
Differing attitudes to traditional cultures
The Unesco report on cultural developments, 1983
The organization of education in Papua New Guinea
Cultural policy in Papua New Guinea
The reconstruction of African historu through historical, ethnographic and oral sources
Post-1945 developments: the search for national histories
A brief review of the written sources
Nonwritten source materials
Oral traditions
The excluded present: archaeology and education in Argentina / Irina Podgorny
Introduction: the educational context
Archaeology in Argentina
An "Archaeology and Education" project
Archaeology in the Alberta curriculum: an overview / Heather Devine
A rationale for research
Archaeology content in the Alberta curriculum
The treatment of archaeology: some observations
Native education and archaeology
The future of archaeology in Alberta schools
In fourteen jundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed ..." primacy of the national myth in US school Alice B Kehoe
American archeology and US schools
America`s past:the national myth
Archaeology and precollegiate education
Examples of classroom-based archaeology
Material support for classroom-based archaeology
Education and archaeology in Japan / Clare Fawcett & Junko Habu
The past in Japanese education
Education about the past: some comparison with other countries
Nationalism and ideology in Japan
Nationalist influence on texts
The Black historical past in British history
Colonialism and the denial of the Black past African resicovered
The Caribbean experience
The 20th century Black British experience
Black settlement after the Second World War
The Black identity in Britain and the Triple Heritage
The Black presence in Britain andantiracist education
Multicultural approaches to education about the past
Antiracism: implications for archaeology, history, and education
Creating a Black Cultural Archives Museum
Popularizing archaeology among schoolchildren in the USSR / Nadezhda Platonova
An example from Leningrad / Teachingmethodology
Other organizations
Children and the past in Poland: archaeology and prehistory in primary schools and museums / Andrzej Mikolajczyk
The place of the past in the primaty school curriculum
Museum lessons
Rediscovering Rome` hidden past / Stefano Mammini
The archaeological response to increased aducational interest
New Archaeology, New History-when will they meet?
Archaeology in English secondary schools / Philip Planel
The initial constraints
The curriculum revolution
Can New Archaeology deliver the goods?
How do we know we are teaching the right stuff?
Problems in the field
Well, in the Neolithic...teaching about the past in English primary schools Wendy Richardson
Archaeology in the Toronto school system: the Archaeological Resource Centre Karolyn Smardz
Archaeology in the school system
Public education and archaeology
Archaeology and education in TorontoTema Principal / Disciplina : Arqueología Link: https://www.bfa.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar/id/2289 Reserva
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Ubicación Código de barras Ubicación Tipo de medio Sección Estado Sala Tomo Colección Facultad 21524 571 S8 Libro Fondo general 0 Disponible The origins of human behaviour / Robert A. Foley / London : Unwin Hyman (1991)
Título : The origins of human behaviour Tipo de documento: Libro Autores: Robert A. Foley, Editor científico Editorial: London : Unwin Hyman Fecha de publicación: 1991 Número de páginas: 119 p. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-0-04-445015-3 Nota general: ed. Foley, Robert A.
Edición original: One world archaeology ; 19.
Idioma : Inglés Palabras clave: Antropología biológica Paleoantropología Hominización Comportamiento Evolución Modelos Homínidos Clasificación: 572.024 Resumen: 20120124002272 Nota de contenido: Introduction: investigation the origins of human behaviour / R. A. Foley
- Chimpanzee material culture: what are its limits and why? / W. C. McGrew
- How useful is the culture concept in early hominid studies? / R. A. Foley
- The significance of modern hunter-gatherers in the study of early hominid behaviour / Francis B. Musonda
- Archaeological evidence for modern intelligence / Thomas Wynn
- The invention of computationally plausible knowledge systems in the Upper Palaeolithic / Sheldon Klein
- An interactive growth model applied to the expansion of Upper Palaeolithic populations / Ezra B. W. Zubrow
- Aboriginal fossil hominids: evolution and migrations / Phillip J. HabgoodTema Principal / Disciplina : Antropología Link: https://www.bfa.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar/id/2520 Reserva
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Ubicación Código de barras Ubicación Tipo de medio Sección Estado Sala Tomo Colección Facultad 21525 572.024 F6 Libro Fondo general 0 Disponible Foraging and farming / David R. Harris ; Gordon C. Hillman / London : Unwin Hyman (1989)
Título : Foraging and farming : The Evolution of plant exploitation Tipo de documento: Libro Autores: David R. Harris, Editor científico ; Gordon C. Hillman, Editor científico Editorial: London : Unwin Hyman Fecha de publicación: 1989 Colección: One World Archaeology ; 13 Número de páginas: 733 p. ISBN/ISSN/DL: 978-0-04-445025-2 Idioma : Inglés Clasificación: [BFA] Ciencias Agrarias y Veterinarias:Agricultura
[BFA] Ciencias Naturales y Biológicas:AntropologíaPalabras clave: Prehistoria Origen de la agricultura Agricultura de subsistencia Agricultura cooperativa Sistemas agrícolas Domesticación vegetal Clasificación: 572.023 Resumen: 20120124002273 Nota de contenido: The Evolution of Plant Exploitation: Concepts and Processes
- An Evolutionary Continuum of People-plant Interaction / D.R. Harris
- Darwinism and its Role in the Explanation of Domestication / D. Rindos
- Domestication and Domiculture in Northern Australia: A Social Perspective / A.K. Chase
- The Domestication of Environment / D.E. Yen
Plant Exploitation in Non-agrarian Contexts: The Ethnographic Witness
- Wild-grass Seed Harvesting in the Sahara and Sub-Sahara of Africa / J.R. Harlan
- Australian Aboriginal Seed Grinding and its Archaeological Record: A Case Study from the Western Desert / S. Cane
- Plant Foods of the Gidjingali: Ethnographic and Archaeological Perspectives from Northern Australia on Tuber and Seed Exploitation / R. Jones and B. Meehan
- Plant Usage and Management in Southwest Australian Aboriginal Societies / S.J. Hallamm
- Ethnoecological Observations on Wild and Cultivated Rice and Yams in Northeastern Thailand / J.C. White
- An Example of Intensive Plant Husbandry: The Kumeyaay of Southern California / F.C. Shipek
- Plant-food Processing: Implications for Dietary Quality / A.B. Stahl
Plant Exploitation in Per-agrarian Contexts: The Archaeological Evidence
- Plant Exploitation at Grotta dell'Uzzo, Sicily: New Evidence for the Transition from Mesolithic to Neolithic Subsistence in Southern Europe / L. Constantini
- Late Palaeolithic Plant Foods from Wadi Kubbaniya in Upper Egypt: Dietary Diversity, Infant Weaning and Seasonality in a Riverine Environment / G.C. Hillman
- Plant-food Economy During the Epipalaeolithic Period at Tell Abu Hureyra, Syria: Dietary Diversity, Seasonality and Modes of Exploitation / G.C. Hillman et al
- Mesolithic Exploitation of Wild Plants in Sri Lanka: Achaeobotanical Study at the Cave Site of Beli-Lena / M.D. Kajale
- New Evidence on Plant Exploitation and Environment During the Hoabinhian (Late Stone Age) from Ban Kao Caves, Thailand / K. Pyramarn
- The Taming of the Rain Forests: A Model for Late Pleistocene Forest Exploitation in New Guinea / L. Groube
- Seed Gathering in Inland Australia: Current Evidence from Seed-grinders on the Antiquity of the Ethnohistorical Pattern of Exploitation / M.A. Smith
- Adaptation of Prehistoric Hunter-gatherers to the High Andes: The Changing Role of Plant Resources / D.M. Pearsall
Agrarian Plant Exploitation: The Domestication and Diffusion of Crops and Crop Assemblages
- The Tropical African Cereals / J.R. Harlan
- Factors Responsible for the Ennoblement of African Yams: Inferences from Experiments in Yam Domestication V.E. Chikwendu and C.E.A. / Okezie
- Domestication of the Southwest Asian Neolithic Crop Assemblage of Cereals, Pulses and Flax: The Evidence from Living Plants / D. Zohary
- Origin and Domestication of the Southwest Asian Grain Legumes / G. Ladizinsky
- Cryptic Anatomical Characters as Evidence of Early Cultivation in the Grain Legumes (Pulses) / A. Butler
- Domestication and the Spread of the Cultivated Rices / T.T. Chang
- Crops of the Pacific: New Evidence from the Chemical Analysis of Organic Residues in Pottery / H.E. Hill & J. Evans
- Cytological and Genetical Evidence on the Domestication and Diffusion of Crops within the Americas / B. Pickersgill
- Maize: Domestication, Racial Evolution, and Spread / G. Wilkes
- Andean Maize: Its Origins and Domestication / D. Bonavia & A. Grobman
- Domestication of Cucurbitaceae: Cucurbita and Lagenaria / C.B. Heiser, Jr.
- The Domestication of Roots and Tubers in the American Tropics / J.G. Hawkes
- A Chemical-ecological Model of Root and Tuber Domestication in the Andes / T. Johns
Agrarian Plant Exploitation: The Evolution of Agricultural Systems
- From Foraging to Food Production in North-eastern Venezuela and the Caribbean / M. Sanoja
- Non-affluent Foragers: Resource Availability, Seasonal Shortages and the Emergence of Agriculture in Panamanian Tropical Forests / D.R. Piperno
- Early Plant Cultivation in the Eastern Woodlands of North America / P.J. Watson
- Agricultural Intensification and Ridged-field Cultivation in the Prehistoric Upper Midwest of North America / J.P. Gallagher
- The Spread of Agriculture in Western Europe: Indo-European and (Non-)Pre-Indo-European Linguistic Evidence / T.L. Markey
- Agricultural Evolution North of the Black Sea from the Neolithic to the Iron Age / Z.V. Yanushevich
- The Transition from Foraging to Farming in Southwest Asia: Present Problems and Future Directions / A.M.T. Moore
- Early Farming Communities in the Jordan Valley / O. Bar-Yosef & M.E. Kislev
- Prehistoric Agriculture in China / An Zhimin
- Coastal Adaptation, Sedentism, and Domestivation: A Model for Socio-economic Intensification in Prehistoric Southeast Asia / C. Higham & B. Maloney
-The Transition from Stone to Steel in the Prehistoric Swidden Agricultural Technology of the Kantu of Kalimantan, Indonesia / M.R. Dove
- The Origins and Development of New Guinea Agriculture J. Golson
- Gardens in the South: Diversity and Change in Prehistoric Maori Agriculture / S. BulmerLink: https://www.bfa.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar/id/2521 Reserva
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Ubicación Código de barras Ubicación Tipo de medio Sección Estado Sala Tomo Colección Facultad 21528 572.023 H1 Libro Fondo general 0 Disponible What is an Animal? / Tim Ingold / London : Unwin Hyman (1988)
PermalinkArchaeological approaches to cultural identity / Stephen Shennan / London : Unwin Hyman (1989)
PermalinkAnimals into art / Howard Morphy / London : Unwin Hyman (1989)
PermalinkFrom the Baltic to the Black Sea / David Austin ; Leslie Alcock / London : Unwin Hyman (1990)
PermalinkThe politics of the past / Peter Gathercole ; David Lowenthal / London : Unwin Hyman (1990)
PermalinkPetrology of the metamorphic rocks / Roger Mason / London : Unwin Hyman (1990)
PermalinkConflict in the Archaeology of Living Traditions / Robert Layton / London : Unwin Hyman (1989)