Título : | Geology of the Mineral Deposits of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Vol. 1 | Tipo de documento: | Libro | Autores: | F. E. Hughes, Editor científico | Editorial: | Parkville : The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy | Fecha de publicación: | 1990 | Número de páginas: | 982 p., 45 p., 1 map. | Idioma : | Inglés | Palabras clave: | Depósitos Australia Papúa Nueva Guinea Minerales | Clasificación: | 553.2 (94) | Nota de contenido: | GENERAL PAPERS- AUSTRALIA
- The Framework - Industry, Stratigraphy, Tectonics
The mineral industry in the Australian economy / Resource Assessment Division, BMR
The stratigraphic and tectonic setting of the ore deposits of Australia / R. W:R. Rutland, M.A. Etheridge and M. Solomon
Subdivision and correlation of the Australian Precambrian / K.A. Plumb
Lineament tectonics of Australian ore deposits / E.S.T. O"Driscol
- Commodity Reviews
Gold in Australia / R. Woodall
Diamond deposits of Australia / W:.l. Atkinson, C. B. Smith, R. V. Danchin and A.J.A. lanse
Opal deposits in Australia / L.C. Barnes and l.J. Townsend
Platinum group element mineralisation and potential in Australia / D.M. Hoatson
- Processes In Ore Genesis
Magmatic evolution and the ore type - lava type affiliations of volcanic exhalative ores / R.L. Stanton
The release, transport and deposition of ore metal sulphides from sediment particle systems / J.N. W. Elliston
Gold in the exogenic environment / A. W. Mann and J.G. Webster
- Mineral Deposits Of The Pilbara Craton
Shay Gap-Sunrise Hill and Nimingarra iron ore deposits / D. C. Podmore
Coppin Gap copper-molybdenum deposit / C.B. Jones
Munni Munni Complex platinum group mineralisation / C.R. Williams, B. W: Nisbet and D.M. Hoatson
Mount York gold deposit / C.D. Koning
Blue Spec-Golden Spec gold-antimony deposits / A. C. Gifford
Coobina chromite deposit / W.J. Shaw
- Gold Deposits Of The Western Gneiss Terrain, Yilgarn Craton
Boddington gold deposit / P.M. Symons, G. Anderson, T.J. Beard, L.M. Hamilton, G.D. Reynolds, J.M. Robinson, R. W. Staley and C.M. Thompson
Griffins Find gold deposit, Lake Grace / J. Max/ow
Badgebup gold deposits / G. V. Blackburn, J.F. Fradd, R.H. Mazzucchelli and J. W. Schupp
- Gold Deposits Of The Murchison Province, Yilgarn Craton
Bluebird gold deposit, Meekatharra / J.F. Walsh
Caledonian gold deposit, Nannine / J.F. Walsh
Gabanintha gold deposits, Meekatharra / M.E. Kavanagh and I. W. Walker
Kurara gold deposit, Meekatharra / J.M. Fogarty
Reedy gold deposits, Meekatharra / R.G. Henderson and L. V. Hill
Big Bell gold deposit / G.A. Handley and R. Cary
Golden Crown gold deposit / J.D. Hicks
Gold deposits of Hill 50 Gold Mine NL at Mount Magnet / M.J. Thompson, R.B. Watchorn, C.M. Bonwick, M.O. Frewin, V.R. Goodgame, M.J. Pyle and P.J. MacGeehan
Galtee More gold deposits, Mount Magnet / G.J. Bromley
North Morning Star (Parkinson Pit) gold deposit, Mount Magnet / A. C. Wilson
Saint George gold deposit, Mount Magnet / R. Baldi! and T.l. Woolfe
Gibson lateritic gold deposit / R.D. Gee
- Gold Deposits Of The Southern Cross Province, Yilgarn Craton
Gidgee gold deposits, Jonesville / D. W. Otterman
Montague gold deposits / T. W. Middleton
Youanmi gold deposit / K.D. Munro
Copperhead gold deposit, Bullfinch / D.N. Carter and M.l. Grayson
Fraser gold deposit, Southern Cross / G.R. Dale and B.D. Thomas
Westonia gold deposits / A.J. Drummond and G.R. Beilby
Marvel Loch gold deposit / P.J. Rolley and J.L. Baxter
Nevoria gold deposits / I. Cullen, M. Jones and J.L. Baxter
- Gold Deposits Of The Norseman-Wiluna Belt, Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn Craton
Wiluna gold deposits / P. McGoldrick
Matilda gold deposits, Wiluna / P.J. Morgan and S. El-Raghy
Bellevue gold deposit / R.L. Brotherton and P.A. Wilson
Emu gold deposit, Agnew / N. Aoukar and P. Whelan
Great Eastern and McCaffery gold deposits, Lawlers / M. Stokes, M. Nelson and J. Tuttle
Mertondale gold deposits, Leonora / B. W. Nisbet and C.R. Williams
Geology of Gold Deposits in the Yilgarn Craton
Harbour Lights gold deposit, Leonora / R.J. Dudley, M.S. Skwarnecki and M. Makar
Tower Hill gold deposit, Leonora / J.C. Schiller and J.P. Hanna
Sons of Gwalia gold deposit, Leonora / J. Kalnejais
Bottle Creek gold deposit / P.J. Legge, J.H.A. Mill, C.R. Ringrose and I.R. McDonald
Goongarrie gold deposits / R.G. Colville, D. Kelly and B.L. Fish
Davyhurst gold deposits / K.J. Hellsten, R.G. Colville, N.J. Crase and L.R. Bottomer
Grants Patch gold deposits / T.W Ransted
Sand King gold deposit / B.D. Hill and P. Bird
Eureka gold deposit / T. W Ransted
Bardoc gold deposits / L.R. Bottomer and C. Robinson
Ora Banda gold deposits / N. Harrison, A. Bailey, J.D. Shaw, G.N. Petersen and C.A. Allen
Paddington gold deposits / M.C. Hancock, I. G. Robertson and G. W Booth
Lady Bountiful gold deposit / R.D. Bartsch
Lady Bountiful Extended gold deposit / S.P. Devlin and J.D. Crimeen
Geology of the Kalgoorlie gold field / J.M.F. Clout, J.H. Cleghorn and P.C. Eaton
Mount Percy gold deposits / S.F. Johnston, P.C.C. Sauter, S.J. Hyland and T. Bradley
Mount Martin gold deposit / G.F.A. Washausen
Hannan South gold deposit / J. C. Schiller and M.E. Ivey
New Celebration gold deposits / N.D. Norris
Bayleys gold deposit, Coolgardie / N. Swager
Three Mile Hill gold deposit, Coolgardie / T.W Middleton
Greenfields gold deposit, Coolgardie / R.A. Keele and M. C. Shelton
Tindals gold deposits, Coolgardie / C. McCormick and J.P. Hanna
Gibraltar gold deposit / D. Pyke
Gold deposits of the Kambalda-St Ives region / D.E. Roberts and M. Elias
Norseman gold deposits / A. Thomas, K. Johnson and P.J. MacGeehan
Capítulo 2.6: Gold Deposits Of The Eastern Goldfields Province Outside The Norseman-Wiluna Belt, Yilgarn Craton
Mount Fisher gold deposit / G.R. Powell, P.S. Leandri and D. C. O'Farrell
Lancefield gold deposit, Laverton / J.M.A. Hronsky, R.P.A. Perriam and M.L. Schmulian
Granny Smith gold deposit / G. C. Hall and P. W Holy/and
Porphyry gold deposit / N. Weathers/one
Karonie gold deposit / G.F.PigottandN.P. Green
Genesis Of Gold Deposits In The Yilgarn Craton
A short review of gold in the Yilgarn Block / D.l. Groves and S.E. Ho
Other Mineral Deposits Of The Yilgarn Craton
Nickel sulphide deposits of the Yilgarn Craton / R.E.T. Hill and M.J. Gale
Windarra nickel deposits, Laverton / C. T. Reddell and M.L. Schmulian
Komatiite hosted nickel sulphide deposits, Kambalda / A. Cowden and D.E. Roberts
Scuddles zinc-copper deposit at Golden Grove / J.H.A. Mill, B.A. Clifford, R.J. Dudley and P.A. Ruxton
Mount Weld carbonatite / R.KDuncanandG.C. Willett
Greenbushes tin-tantalum-lithium deposit / M.I. Hatcher and G. Clynick
Proterozoic Orogenic Domains And Precambrian Cover Sequences Of Western Australia
Proterozoic rocks of the Western Australian Shield- geology and mineralisation / J.G. Blackley and J.S. Myers
ElF-derived iron ores of the Hamersley Province / R.A. Harmsworth, M. Kneeshaw, R.C. Morris, C.J. Robinson and P.K. Shrivastava
Telfer gold deposits / G. Dimo
Kintyre uranium deposit / D. G. Jackson and R.L. Andrew
Abra lead-silver-copper-gold deposit / T.D.M. Boddington
Fortnum gold deposit / A.D. Hill and P.J. Cranney
Labouchere and Deep South gold deposits / J.P. Hanna and M.E. Ivey
Horseshoe gold-copper-silver deposit / T. W.H. Parker and T. Brown
Murphy Inlier
Murphy Inlier and environs - regional geology and mineralisation / M. Ahmad and A.S. Wygralak
Tennant Creek Inlier
Tennant Creek Inlier - regional geology and mineralisation / P. Le Messurier, B.T. Williams and D.H. Blake
Warrego gold-copper-bismuth deposit / M.R. Wedekind and R.J. Love
K44 Ironstone copper-gold deposit, Gecko mine / J. V. Main, P.M. Nicholson and W.J. O'Neill
White Devil gold deposit / G. C. Edwards, S.A. Booth and G.J. Cozens
TC8 gold deposit / J.H. Hill
Nobles Nob gold deposit / K.R. Yates and P. Robinson
Arunta Inlier
Arunta Block - regional geology and mineralisation / R.D. Shaw
Molyhil scheelite-molybdenite deposit / M.J. Freeman
Capítulo 4.6: Mid-Proterozoic Basins Of The North Australian Craton
Mid-Proterozoic basins of the North Australian Craton- regional geology and mineralisation / K.A. Plumb, M. Ahmad and A.S. Wygralak
Yampi Sound iron ore / V. Stock/mayer
HYC silver-lead-zinc deposit, McArthur River / R.G. Logan, W.J. Murray and N. Williams
Mount Isa Inlier
Mount Isa Inlier - regional geology and mineralisation / D. H. Blake, M.A.Etheridge, R. W. Page, A.J. Stewart, P.R. Williams and L.A. Wyborn
Mount Isa and Hilton silver-lead-zinc deposits / P.J. Forrestal
Mount Isa copper orebodies / W.G. Perkins
Lady Loretta silver-lead-zinc deposit / M. C. Hancock and A. H. Purvis
Dugald River zinc-lead deposit / A. G. Connor, l.R. Johnson and M.D. Muir
Selwyn gold-copper deposits / G.L. Kary and R.A. Harley
Precambrian Inliers Of Northeast Queensland
North Queensland Proterozoic inliers and Palaeozoic igneous provinces - regional geology and mineral deposits / J.H.C. Bain, I. W. Withnall, B.S. Oversby, and D.E. Mackenzie
Croydon gold deposits / M. van Eck and R. Child | Link: | https://www.bfa.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar/id/50133 |