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United States Department of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service
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Herpetological Communities / Norman J. Scott, Jr / Washington : United States Department of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service (1982) / Symposium of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles and the Herpetologists League 1977
Título : Herpetological Communities Tipo de documento: Congreso Autores: Norman J. Scott, Jr, Editor científico Editorial: Washington : United States Department of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service Fecha de publicación: 1982 Colección: Wildlife research report ; 13 Número de páginas: iv, 239 p. ; gráf. Nota general: edited by Scott, Jr, Norman J.
Idioma : Inglés Palabras clave: Congreso Herpetología Anfibios Reptiles Comunidades Ecología animal Clasificación: 597.6/598.1[061.3] Resumen: 20120124021404 Nota de contenido: A review of structuring in Herpetofaunal Assemblages / Heatwole, H.
Amphibian Reproductive Ecology on the Community level / Crump, M.
Anuran Succession at Temporary Ponds in a Post Oak-Savanna Region of Texas / Wiest, J.A.
Prey Patterns and Trophic Niche Overlap in Four Species of Caribbean Frogs /
Kirkland, J.
Niche Dimensions and Resource Partitioning in a Great Basin Desert Snake Community / Brown W. S. and Parker W. S.
Resources of a Snake Community in Prairie-Woodland Habitat of Northeastern kansas / Fitch H. S.
Use of a Mammalian Resource by Chihuahuan Snake Community / Reynolds R. P. and Scott N. J.
Temporal and Spatial Resource Partitioning in a Chihuahuan Desert Lizard Community / Creusere M. and Whitford G.
Use of Cave Resources by a Lizard Community / Mautz W. J.
Structure and Composition of Mojave Desert Reptile Communities Determined with a Removal Method / Bury B.
The Herpetofauna of Forest Litter Plots from Cameroon, Africa / Scott N. J.
Herpetofaunal Survey of the Sinai Peninsula (1967 -77) with Emphasis on the Saharan Sand Community / Werner Y. L.
The Herpetological Components of Florida Sandhill and Sand Pine Scrub Associations /Campbell H. W. and Christman S. P.
Food Resource Partitioning of Fossorial Florida Reptiles / Smith C.
Tracking as an Aid in Ecological Studies of Snakes / Lillywhite H.
Field Techniques for Herpetofaunal Community Analysis / Campbell H.W. and S. P. Christman
Evaluation of Techniques for Assesment of Amphibian and Reptile Populations in Wisconsin / Vogt R. C. and Hine R. L.
A Chronological Bibliography, the History and Status of Studies of Herpetological Communities and Suggestions for Future Research / Scott N. J. and Campbell H. W.Tema Principal / Disciplina : Zoologia Nombre del congreso : Symposium of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles and the Herpetologists League Fecha del congreso : 1977 Lugar del congreso : Washington Link: https://www.bfa.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar/id/25145 Reserva
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Ubicación Código de barras Ubicación Tipo de medio Sección Estado Sala Tomo Colección Facultad 20165 597.6 S1 Congreso Fondo general 0 Disponible Impacts of coal surface mining on 25 migratory bird species of high federal interest / Washington : United States Department of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service (1983)
Título : Impacts of coal surface mining on 25 migratory bird species of high federal interest Tipo de documento: Libro Autores: Judith Scherpelz Armbruster, Editor científico Editorial: Washington : United States Department of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service Fecha de publicación: 1983 Colección: FWS/OBS num. 83/35 Número de páginas: xiii, 348 p. Idioma : Inglés Clasificación: [BFA] Ciencias Naturales y Biológicas:Zoología Palabras clave: Ornitología Aves migratorias Migraciones Depósitos de carbón Carbón mineral Estados Unidos Clasificación: 598.2:574.91[73] Tema Principal / Disciplina : Zoología Link: https://www.bfa.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar/id/32211 Reserva
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Ubicación Código de barras Ubicación Tipo de medio Sección Estado Sala Tomo Colección Museo 492 598.2 73 A7 Libro Fondo general 1 Disponible